Howdy! ^^ Let's just get down to it! I ABSOLUTELY, LOVE ; EYELASHES! They really do make a major difference in my appearance! I get so sad, when I take them off.... :c but, then I think about when I will wear them again ;) Alsoooo, I am looking into ways to grow my eyelashes! So, expect tips and information in regards to that ! (: Please enjoy! Thank you ;)

Eyelashes! (:

These eyelashes right here, are actually available at your local DollarTree! But, you have to get there before they run out! This has only happened to me once, but then again... :D Anywhoozles, if you don not have a , "dollartree" in your area, perhaps they have eyelashes at other dollar stores to! Which I could imagine as true! [[Will update about that =]]
Or you can also buy these online! ONLY! With dollarstores and certain , "wholesale price" online stores. There is commonly a , "minimum quantity" amount. So, to buy thes, "e.l.f. Natural Black Lash Kits" you would have to purchase, "36x" of them ! D: That's crazy! But, the main point is that you can get eyelashes at the dollar store! Which is awesome in my book, or my blog ;) Pun ^^ [[Winning!=]
e.l.f. Natural Black Lash Kits
Click To go to store! (:
There are some better deals that you can get that require a , "minimum quantity" amount! Tune in, Tune out, switch on, switch off, and explode! :)
Please Comment ! Love, Forever and Always!
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